Deer harvest up despite weather
(Outdoors ~ 11/24/11)
By PAUL DAVIS Outdoors Editor Persistent bad weather during Missouri's firearms deer season couldn't keep determined hunters from stopping a slide in harvest numbers for a fifth year in a row. Despite wind, rain, fog and warm temperatures, hunters still managed to kill 190,030 deer during the 11-day season, which ended Tuesday. Their effort tops last year's take of 188,205 and was the first in five years to result in an increased harvest over the previous year...
Ducks piling in to area wetlands
(Outdoors ~ 11/24/11)
The latest duck survey has showed a major increase in mallards on area conservation areas. At Coon Island, there were 3,500 ducks counted with 70 percent of them mallards. Other ducks identified were gadwalls, shovelers, green-winged teal and pintails...
Telecheck is valuable tool for agents
(Outdoors ~ 11/24/11)
By CANDICE DAVIS Mo. Dept. of Conservation GREENVILLE, Mo. -- While some deer hunters still mourn the days of checking - and showing off - their harvest in person at the local checking station, Conservation Agents are finding the Telecheck system has some advantages when it comes to investigating illegal harvests...
Ducks piling in to area wetlands
(Outdoors ~ 11/24/11)
The latest duck survey has showed a major increase in mallards on area conservation areas. At Coon Island, there were 3,500 ducks counted with 70 percent of them mallards. Other ducks identified were gadwalls, shovelers, green-winged teal and pintails...
Stories from Thursday, November 24, 2011
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