McGovern/Goldwater: Losers/winners?
(Column ~ 11/02/12)
By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN Early in Ronald Reagan's second term, Bill Rusher, the publisher of National Review, was interviewing the president in the Oval Office for a documentary on the conservative movement. Rusher asked how he would describe Barry Goldwater's role...
Note to Christians Be knowledgable and go to the polls
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/12)
To the Editor I admit it - a presidential election year can takes its toll on a person's patience. With all the political speeches and commentary sometimes it seems like we're listening to Charlie Brown's mother, "Wah-wah-wah- wah-wah-wah..." In the middle of all this, though, there are some critical things we should consider...
A symbol of leadership
(Column ~ 11/02/12)
By MONA CHAREN The first statements from the Obama administration about what happened in Benghazi seemed plausible. There were, after all, protests throughout the Muslim world on the anniversary of 9/11 -- some incited by Islamists using an obscure video to arouse anti-American fervor in the mobs, and some, no doubt, just pelting U.S. ...
Turnips hitting the markets
(Features ~ 11/02/12)
Lots of home gardeners are busy harvesting their turnip crop. The turnip was first grown about 4,000 years ago in the Near East and the Greeks and Romans loved this veggie. It's the cousin of the cabbage, mustard, and radish. If you weren't lucky enough to have grown your own supply, then check out the local markets to find this fall veggie...
MDC Suspensions
(Outdoors ~ 11/02/12)
The Missouri Conservation Commission has suspended the privileges of these area individuals for violations of the Missouri Wildlife Code:...
Therapy dogs at school
(Community News ~ 11/02/12)
Earlier this semester, a student at the 5th & 6th Grade Center went into the guidance counseling office crying so intensely she could not get out the words to convey what was wrong. The young girl sat down at a table under which therapy dog Creggan was lying and Creggan proceeded to lick the girl's face, which suddenly caused her to smile and giggle. She kissed the dog on the head, stood up, wiped her eyes and walked out the door...
Stories from Friday, November 2, 2012
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