DAR staff recall events of 9/11 (Local News ~ 09/10/21)
Like workplaces all over the country, Daily American Republic staffers were glued to the TV as news of attacks on the World Trade Center hit the airwaves. The difference? The staff still needed to put out a newspaper for the day. When American Airlines Flight 11 hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York around 7:45 a.m. Missouri time, the DAR edition for Sept. 11, 2001, hadn’t hit the presses yet. Staff members were just getting to work or focused on putting out that day’s paper... -
Staff, alumni of Three Rivers College share memories of 9/11 (Local News ~ 09/10/21)
Students and staff at Three Rivers College experienced the same shock and disbelief on Sept. 11, 2001, as they watched events unfold on the East Coast that many Americans did. On the 20th anniversary, they have shared some of those memories. Professor, speech communication... -
9/11 photo exhibit among events planned at Stars and Stripes Museum (Local News ~ 09/10/21)
BLOOMFIELD — “It’s going to be a busy fall and winter here at the Museum,” observes Laura Dumey, administrator at the National Stars and Stripes Museum and Library located in Bloomfield. “Many exciting events are planned for the coming weeks and months, but the 9/11 exhibit opening this weekend, is an especially moving collection.”... -
Students at Boys and Girls Club talk about unity 20 years after 9/11 attacks (Local News ~ 09/10/21)
As we approach the 20th anniversary of Sept. 12, 2001, a day of unity for Americans, Daily American Republic staff writer Samantha Tucker spoke with area youth about what unites us as a nation. The students are members of the Boys and Girls Club of Poplar Bluff... -
Afghanistan veteran reflects on recent events, service (Local News ~ 09/10/21)
Wesley Gautreaux was a 15-year-old sophomore at Piggott, Arkansas, on Sept. 11, 2001. As his biology class watched news coverage of the events unfolding at the Twin Towers, he felt first fear and then anger. When he joined the army at the age of 17, he understood what he would be called to do and the meaning of the war on terrorism... -
JoAnn McNamee
(Births ~ 09/10/21)
CORNING, Ark. — JoAnn McNamee, 88, of Benton, formerly of Corning, passed away Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 at Amberwood Health and Rehab in Benton. Mrs. McNamee was born June 12, 1933 in Corning. She was retired from the Corning School District where she worked in the cafeteria for 20 years. ...
Doris Allen (Obituary ~ 09/10/21)
ST. PETERS, Mo. — Doris Rough Allen, 95, died Friday Sept. 3, 2021, in St. Charles, Missouri. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marvin; and daughter, Carrie Sue (Earl) Pigg. She is survived by two sisters, and four children: Patricia (Lyndel) Porterfield, Mary Ann (Robert) Bramlett, Joe (Martha) Rough, and Janet (Danny, deceased) Stovall as well as 11 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren... -
M. Duane Sanner (Obituary ~ 09/10/21)
M. Duane Sanner, 88, of Irving, Texas, formerly of Poplar Bluff, Missouri passed away Sept. 9, 2021. Duane was born to Ruth (née Allison) and Ralph A. Sanner of Poplar Bluff. He graduated from Poplar Bluff High School in 1951 where he enjoyed serving as team manager for the basketball team, and was awarded top science student as a senior. He grew up attending First Christian Church, Poplar Bluff... -
Police, fire reports - Sept. 10
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/10/21)
Nathan G. Cox, 25, of Springfield, Missouri, was booked Thursday, Sept. 9, at the Butler County jail on a failure to appear warrant for not maintaining vehicle financial responsibility. He later was released. _ Devin T. Essay, 24, of Memphis, Tennessee, was booked Thursday, Sept. 9, at the Butler County jail on a warrant for second-degree trespass...
Stories from Friday, September 10, 2021
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