Caroline Gracelynn Raquel James (Births ~ 02/11/23)
Constance (Grace) Raquel James and Daniel Bradley James Jr. of Advance are the parents of a daughter born at 12:59 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, at Saint Francis Healthcare Family BirthPlace. The Jameses have named their 7-pound 5-ounce daughter Caroline Gracelynn Raquel James. She is 20 inches in length. The James have three sons... -
Gun rights bills, priorities debated (Column ~ 02/11/23)
Gun rights have always been one of my top priorities, and I am proud of the victories I have helped achieve in the legislature. For instance, I have sponsored or co-sponsored several pro-gun bills, and we are now blessed to live in a state that leads the country in protecting our constitutional freedoms. Nevertheless, there is always the need to guard against those who seek to disarm us, and this legislative session is no different...
Stories from Saturday, February 11, 2023
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