DASH: Malden youth dies in gun accident; malaria deaths continue (Local News ~ 11/07/23)
100 years ago Nov. 7, 1923 • Mrs. Chester Barnett returns from St. Louis, where she purchased a stock of goods for her Dorothea store. She announced that the shop would be opened in the northwest corner of the Criterion Building. She will be accepting Christmas orders... -
Mapping stormwater run off in Poplar Bluff's 6,000 acres target of updated plan (Local News ~ 11/07/23)
An updated stormwater management plan from the city of Poplar Bluff could include additional mapping of the more than 6,000 acres that fall within its boundaries. Currently, there are no accurate maps of the entire stormwater conveyance system or accurate count of all of the inlets, documents presented Monday to the city council state... -
Annual chili meal raises cash for vision program (Local News ~ 11/07/23)
As the smell of freshly cooked chili filled the hallways of the Knights of Columbus Hall in Poplar Bluff, dozens of volunteers could be seen serving, preparing and packing chili for Tuesday’s election day fundraiser. While the ballot may not have been packed this year, to go containers still were, lining work services as volunteers prepared for hundreds of deliveries... -
Rotary Casino Night draws sold out crowd, raises $10k (Local News ~ 11/07/23)
The annual Poplar Bluff Rotary Club Casino Night and Mouse Race was a sold-out affair, bringing in about $10,000 for the causes the group supports. The night of entertainment, located at the Holiday Inn Ballroom, saw hundreds of participants Saturday... -
Missourian in Israel describes life amid war (Local News ~ 11/07/23)
Benjamin Wearp heard the rockets from his house in Har Bracha, Israel. “On the morning of October 7, I heard explosions in the distance. There were also telltale contrails in the sky from rockets and Israel’s defense system, the Iron Dome... The explosions, and an increase of IDF (Israel Defense Forces) in the area that morning, was our first indication that something was amiss,” the 26-year-old Wayne County native shared recently via email interviews...
Stories from Tuesday, November 7, 2023
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