City says requested evidence in Shelby Road court case will be preserved (Local News ~ 11/16/19)
Representatives for the city of Poplar Bluff will appear Dec. 9 in a Butler County court for a case review on motions that have been filed to halt the purchase of property on Shelby Road. City attorney Mark Richardson appeared Thursday before Presiding Circuit Judge Michael Pritchett for a motion hearing related to the preservation of evidence. He told the court the items in question are routinely preserved by the city and the city does not object to the request... -
Kissingers celebrate 50th wedding anniversary (Anniversary ~ 11/16/19)
David and Sharon Kissinger, of Poplar Bluff, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 1. A reception was held in honor of the couple Nov. 9 at Fellowship General Baptist Church in Poplar Bluff. The event was hosted by the couples’ daughters, Michelle Wooldridge and Martha Kirkman, along with Sharon’s sister, Janine Heath... -
MHAM art class students "really excited" to exhibit work at Mingo (Local News ~ 11/16/19)
Tara Brown sees great potential in all the students participating in her Tuesday evening art classes at the Margaret Harwell Art Museum in Poplar Bluff. She proudly calls them her “up and coming little artists.” Those “artists” were recently honored with being chosen as exhibitors at the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge’s Visitor Center in Puxico. Student artwork will be on display at Mingo until the end of November, said Brown... -
Border security is important (Column ~ 11/16/19)
We were all shocked and saddened with the recent news out of northwest Mexico. Nine Americans, including women and children, were brutally murdered. These heinous acts are just another example of the widespread violence and lawlessness that has overspread much of Mexico, including areas along the border with the United States... -
Need a trusted resource? Look to local journalism
(Editorial ~ 11/16/19)
A recent poll conducted in conjunction with the Associated Press found that regardless of political belief, 47% of Americans believe it’s difficult to know if the information they encounter is true. Nearly two-thirds said they often come across one-sided information and about 6 in 10 said they regularly see conflicting reports about the same set of facts from different sources...
Speak out Nov. 16
(Opinion ~ 11/16/19)
Letter appreciated Yes I’m calling in response to the letter to the editor that John Stanard wrote. I just want to say that I agree with him totally, not that it matters because I’m nobody important. But at least you had two city councilmen that had a little common sense, and the next thing is I think that was one of the funniest things that I have ever read. ...
Think how Jesus’ words have encouraged, challenged and changed you
(Column ~ 11/16/19)
“And Jesus answering, saith unto them, Have faith in God.” Mark 11:22 KJV 1611 How do we know what Jesus said? The Bible was first written in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. What if it had never been translated into English? When you first heard what Jesus did to save you, you could read or listen to all kinds of things about him: his Parable of Talents, his Sermon on the Mount, healing the blind and the sick, walking on water, even raising Lazarus from the dead...
Mary Hardin
(Obituary ~ 11/16/19)
Mary Evelyn Hardin, 82, of Bloomfield died Friday, Nov. 15, 2019, at the Missouri Delta Medical Center in Sikeston. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday at Chiles-Cooper Funeral Home in Bloomfield, with services to follow at 1 p.m. Burial will follow at the Gravel Hill Cemetery near Bloomfield...
Police reports Nov. 16
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/16/19)
POPLAR BLUFF POLICE DEPARTMENT Employees of First Missouri State Bank reported Friday, Nov. 15, that they received a fake $10 bill at an unknown time. _ Sebastian K. Ramirez, 31, homeless was arrested at 5:32 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15, in the 500 block of South C on a failure to appear warrant for trespassing. He was booked at Butler County jail...
Fire reports, Nov. 16
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/16/19)
BUTLER COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Butler County firefighters responded at 6:30 p.m. Friday to 457 County Road 556 to a report of a carbon monoxide detector sounding at the home of Don Collins. Nothing was found and a faulty detector is suspected, according to the report...
Margaret Hirtz
(Obituary ~ 11/16/19)
Margaret Hirtz, 93, of Glennonville died Saturday at Swift Creek Care Center in Poplar Bluff. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Sunday, with Rosary at 7 p.m., at St. Teresa Catholic Church in Glennonville. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at the church...
Scouts help stock shelves of area food pantries
(Local News ~ 11/16/19)
Southeast Missouri was on Saturday part of the largest one-day food drive in the Boy Scouts of America. Scouting for Food collected 1.9 million food items across counties like Butler and Stoddard, as well as the Bootheel region, St. Louis metro area, and central and southern Illinois...
Stories from Saturday, November 16, 2019
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