Proposal: Change structure of ‘Coliseum’ tax
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/08/20)
Dear DAR Editor: This letter is in response to the editorial published in the Saturday, July 11, 2020, edition of the DAR. I lived here when the (Black River) Coliseum was financed and built. The statements in the editorial that “No tax was created for the sole purpose of constructing the Black River Coliseum” and “It was not created to fund the construction of the Coliseum, so it did not end when that project was paid for” are both technically correct, and profoundly misleading. ...
Speak out: Thank you DAR
(Opinion ~ 08/08/20)
Thank you DAR for the free meal of the hot dog and potato salad on Saturday. It was very, very delicious and very thoughtful of you. Thank you so much. A grateful Poplar Bluff.
Police reports, Aug. 8, 2020
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/08/20)
POPLAR BLUFF POLICE DEPARTMENT Joseph Jack Dangerfield, 27, of Fairdealing was arrested at 8:36 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7, at the Poplar Bluff Police Department on two municipal warrants for failure to appear. He was booked at Butler County jail. BUTLER COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE...
Fire reports, Aug. 8, 2020
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/08/20)
__POPLAR BLUFF FIRE DEPARTMENT__ City firefighters responded at 11:15 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7, to assist with a motor vehicle accident at Barron Road and May Street.
Ellsinore man seriously injured after falling asleep at wheel
(Local News ~ 08/08/20)
An Ellsinore man was seriously injured at 10 p.m. Friday in an accident on Highway 60, two miles east of Ellsinore. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Christopher J. Clyburn was westbound in a 2006 Chevrolet Silverado when he “fell asleep, ran off the roadway, went airborne and struck two trees.”...
Effort in Congress would support one of America’s founding freedoms — community journalism
(Editorial ~ 08/08/20)
Every week, the Daily American Republic is contacted by people with questions about their local government, those seeking to right wrongs, or residents who need help promoting community events. We can’t help everyone as quickly as we would like, but our staff tries and understands the importance of the words printed in our pages, and on our digital platforms...
Voting by precinct shows varying degree of support for candidates, measures (Local News ~ 08/08/20)
About 7,000 Butler County residents turned out Tuesday to cast their votes in the August primary election, a stepping stone for some candidates to the November primary election. The ballot list included five area office holders who were unopposed, Presiding Circuit Judge Mike Pritchett, Western District Commissioner Boots Legrand, Sheriff Mark Dobbs, Assessor Chris Rickman and 152nd District State Rep. Hardy Billington...
Stories from Saturday, August 8, 2020
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