The Economy Isn’t Roaring Back
(Column ~ 09/19/20)
In every presidential race the incumbent takes credit for any good economic news under his watch. The challenger tries to find some chink in that narrative to exploit. The truth is somewhere in between. So what do the data tell us? Are you better off than you were four years ago?...
Speak out, Not Christian
(Opinion ~ 09/19/20)
While I don’t condone trespassing nor destroying private property, the words “Christian” and “Joe Biden” in the same sentence makes the comment absurd. His own church rejects him. He supports there being more than one gender, and he supports abortion into the ninth month. I don’t see those positions as Christian...
Volunteers make quick work of privacy fencing (Local News ~ 09/19/20)
More than 100 members of churches and student groups, among other organizations, came together over the weekend before school started to manually install numerous chain link fence slats, enhancing the privacy of the playground at Eugene Field Elementary. -
Lisa Bernstein recognized for compassionate care for veterans (Local News ~ 09/19/20)
Lisa Bernstein, a nurse with the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, has been honored with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses®. -
Mary Barks (Obituary ~ 09/19/20)
Mary Ahmalee Barks, 88, passed away Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020 at the Clark’s Mountain Nursing Center in Piedmont. She was born March 6, 1932 at Taskee, Missouri, the daughter of Byrd Casey and Arrie (Hisaw) Casey. Ahmalee was a long time resident of Piedmont and was a member of Tabernacle Baptist Church. She was married to Willard Barks June 2, 1949 in Poplar Bluff and he passed away Jan. 7, 2008... -
Fire report Sept. 19
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/19/20)
Poplar Bluff firefighters responded to a motor vehicle accident with injuries at 10:26 a.m. Friday, Sept. 18 at 906 Foley St., where a van struck a house causing major damage. One passenger in the van was transported by emergency medical services. _...
Police Sept. 19
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/19/20)
Patrol arrests Jacob M. Redd, 24, of Poplar Bluff was arrested at 4:16 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18, on a felony Butler County warrant for first-degree robbery and first-degree burglary. He was booked in the Butler County jail. _ Michael S. Frazier, 51, of Piedmont was arrested at 6:13 p.m. in Wayne County on a felony Wayne County warrant for probation violation-family offense. He was booked at the Wayne County Sheriff’s office...
Haven House Trail Ride brings in $13,000 (Local News ~ 09/19/20)
Haven House’s 31st annual trail ride Saturday lassoed in $13,000 for the local domestic violence shelter. The event was hosted by Dr. Rick Blaich and Dr. John Blaich at their Black River Ranch, which is restored prairie grounds.
Stories from Saturday, September 19, 2020
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