Carolyn Burrows (Obituary ~ 05/12/21)
Carolyn Ann (Staples) Burrows, daughter of the late John and Marthann (Rice) Staples was born August 9, 1937 in Piggott, Arkansas and departed this life on May 8, 2021 at River Mist Assisted Living in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. She had attained the age of eighty-three years, eight months and thirty days... -
Missouri's spring turkey harvest was worst in decades (Outdoors ~ 05/12/21)
Missouri‘s worst spring turkey season in who knows how long finally was put out of its misery Sunday, with a total harvest of 31,798 birds. To the surprise of nobody who hunted locally this season, that’s well behind the 38,734 taken last year and so far off the record of 56,882, set in 2004, that you can’t even laugh at it... -
Robert 'Bob' Dickerson (Obituary ~ 05/12/21)
Robert ‘Bob’ Dickerson, Sr., 84, of Poplar Bluff, Missouri passed away Monday, May 10, 2021 at Oakdale Care Center. Mr. Dickerson was born December 13, 1936 to James Sylvester and Myrtle Irene (Morse) Dickerson in Morehouse, Missouri. He married his one and only love, Mary Joan Kane, on July 27, 1957 in Morehouse. She survives... -
Poplar Bluff family helps dedicate home for transplant patients (Local News ~ 05/12/21)
Five years after Liam Gregory and his family spent six months living in the Mid-America Transplant Family House in St. Louis before and after his heart transplant, their story came full circle. Liam and his parents, Laramy and Jessica Gregory, were present at the groundbreaking of the new $10.5 million Family House facility last month... -
Witnesses report 15-20 shots fired in Tuesday shooting (Local News ~ 05/12/21)
Witnesses report hearing upwards of 20 shots Tuesday in an incident that left three people with gunshot wounds, and at least one seriously injured. Monshun J. Johnson, 32, of the 800 block of Vine Street and the 1500 block of Coolidge Street, was taken to a St. Louis hospital for treatment after an incident near the intersection of Garfield and Mary streets, according to police. Names for the other two victims have not been released, but they were treated locally, officials said Wednesday... -
Vaccines available by appointment (Local News ~ 05/12/21)
Butler County has five new COVID-19 cases this week, bringing the active local cases to seven for a total since the pandemic began locally of 4,527. While the numbers locally are down, area officials are waiting to see how the state will react to government offices reopening and the governor’s decision to stop the enhanced federal unemployment program... -
Deadline Friday for 4-H camp registration
(Local News ~ 05/12/21)
The deadline to register for Southeast Regional 4-H Camp will be Friday, May 14. The event will be held from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, June 5, at Camp Allen, 3104 Wayne Route F, near Holliday Landing. Camp provides the full benefits of a 4-H experience coupled with the fun and wonder of camping in the great outdoors along with opportunities to stretch horizons, meet new people and breathe fresh air...
Davis pleads guilty to 2018 shooting death (Local News ~ 05/12/21)
Ricky Dewayne Davis Jr., accused of killing one and injuring two others in a 2018 Poplar Bluff shooting, preempted his trial Wednesday by pleading guilty to one count of second-degree murder, two counts of first-degree assault and three counts of armed criminal action...
Stories from Wednesday, May 12, 2021
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