Honor 759 sons, daughters who protected you (Editorial ~ 02/18/23)
Wreaths Across America is a national effort to remember fallen U.S. veterans, honor those who serve and continue to teach the value of freedom. It was inspired by a 12-year-old paper boy’s first trip to the nation’s capital and a visit to Arlington National Cemetery... -
House takes up access to physical therapy (Column ~ 02/18/23)
The Missouri House approved HB 115 by a vote of 147-1. Forty seven states currently allow some form of direct access to physical therapy. Studies show patients with direct access have fewer visits and less overall cost. The bill also states the physical therapist must refer to an approved health care provider any patient whose condition is beyond the physical therapist’s scope of practice, or any patient who does not demonstrate measurable or functional improvement after 10 visits or 30 days, whichever occurs first.. ...
Stories from Saturday, February 18, 2023
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