DASH 1974: Local big rigs join strike (Local News ~ 02/01/24)
After diesel prices double in less than a year, local truckers join a nationwide strike in hopes of lowering diesel prices or securing higher freight rates. Also on this date, two families in different decades escape explosions unscathed. 100 years ago... -
Police reports, Feb. 1
(Police/Fire Report ~ 02/01/24)
POPLAR BLUFF POLICE DEPARTMENT A teacher reported a student being intoxicated Monday, Jan. 29, at the Poplar Bluff High School. The parent was contacted and school district notified. _ Officers were dispatched Monday, Jan. 29, to the 1900 block of Greenwood in reference to a violation of ex parte. The suspect was no longer on scene and contact was made with the victim. Information was sent to the prosecuting attorney’s office...
FREE ACCESS: Route 51 in Butler County Reduced for Shoulder Repairs (Local News ~ 02/01/24)
SIKESTON — Missouri Route 51 in Butler County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform shoulder repairs. This section of roadway is located from County Road 659 to County Road 644 near Qulin. Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, Feb. 5 through Wednesday, Feb. 7 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily... -
Meals on Wheels asks for donations to avoid waiting lists (Local News ~ 02/01/24)
A man had been on the floor of his home for nearly a day, unable to call for help. His rescuer was the Meals on Wheels driver bringing him food. The program, which serves as a lifeline, is in the red, said Northside Nutrition Center Assistant Director Linda Sedrick... -
Libraries receive grant money for summer programs (Local News ~ 02/01/24)
Although summer might feel like the distant future during the cold winter months, a couple of public libraries are moving forward with plans specifically designated for that time. It was recently announced that both the Doniphan and the Van Buren public libraries have obtained grant funding for their summer reading programs. ... -
Dash to the past— Shots fired at local truck stop (Local News ~ 02/01/24)
Though demonstrations are almost entirely peaceful, tensions rise after independent local truckers join a nationwide strike against high fuel prices in 1974, and one out-of-state rig driver is arrested after firing a shot at a truck stop. 100 years ago... -
Neelyville teacher and student honored at State of the State address (Local News ~ 02/01/24)
Shannon Davis, a teacher for Neelyville High School, and senior Dominik Burns were selected to be guests of honor at Gov. Mike Parsons’ recent State of the State address in Jefferson City. The pair were chosen to represent Jobs for America's Graduates, a program that specializes in career placement and training for underprivileged students. NHS has 55 members and the junior high has 35, according to Davis...
Stories from Thursday, February 1, 2024
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