Doniphan Nutrition Center reels In face of $29K budget cut back (Local News ~ 06/03/24)
Doniphan Nutrition Center Administrator Tina Sharp says she “was in disbelief” when she received reports at a conference for rural areas in Cape Girardeau May 15-16 indicating that funding for the center will be cut to approximately $37,000 beginning July 1... -
Document: DWI suspects were racing golf carts in wreck that killed Benton man (Local News ~ 06/03/24)
Two men involved in a golf cart wreck that resulted in the death of a Benton man were racing their carts around midnight on Highway 34 near Twin Bridges Campground in Bollinger County, according to a probable-cause statement filed in the case. ... -
Kenneth Lentz
(Obituary ~ 06/03/24)
Kenneth Lentz, 71, of Columbia, Missouri, Wednesday, May 29, at his residence.
Debbie Trout retires after 48 years (Local News ~ 06/03/24)
After 48 years, Deputy Recorder and Office Manager Debbie Trout is calling it a day. At Thursday’s retirement ceremony at the Butler County Courthouse, she bid farewell to the job she has performed since 1976. -
Historic Rodgers Theatre celebrates 75 years of entertainment (Local News ~ 06/03/24)
Nostalgia and memories filled the Historic Rodgers Theatre for its 75th anniversary kickoff celebration Saturday. -
SEMO man becomes nation’s oldest organ donor (Local News ~ 06/03/24)
Orville Duane Allen died May 29, 2024. By all accounts, he lived a long and meaningful life dedicated to family, community and country, but death was not the end of his story. At age 98, Allen is currently the oldest organ donor in recorded United States history.
Stories from Monday, June 3, 2024
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